Unwind in Nature this Summer

July 28, 2023

Did you know being outside is good for your health? From backyard barbecues to family games of badminton, being outdoors encourages exercise, socialization, and so much more! For those facing age-related changes or mobility issues, though, spending time outside can create some added anxiety.

Fear of getting around safely can keep some folks cooped up inside. Still, thankfully, most public recreation areas are continuously changing for the better, so everyone can enjoy them! From mechanical lift chairs at local swimming pools and rentable wheelchairs with large, sand-friendly tires at the beach to paved trails through the forest, more folks can enjoy this crazy short thing we call summer.


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Lowering stress can help heal the body and relax the mind. Relaxing can help reduce blood pressure and heart rate and improve mental health symptoms. The simple beauty found in nature can be a welcome distraction from negative or depressing thoughts. Please don’t take our word for it; try it!

From painting to morning exercise, get the most out of the summer sun by taking your favorite hobbies outside. Remember the sunscreen and hydrate. If you’re out until sunset, stick around for that, too!

Here are a few ideas that can speak to everyone’s interests:If you’re feeling more adventurous, National Parks from Acadia to Zion focus on accessibility; check out their web pages for further information on their accommodations. If you have concerns about enjoying your local park, try an online search ahead of time to find out what their accessibility looks like before you plan your trip.

Tips to Bring Nature Inside

The University of Minnesota has provided some excellent information on why spending time in nature, either outside or in, matters. Did you know that simply looking at nature scenes can benefit you? Sitting among greenery, such as house plants, or glancing at a book filled with nature’s beauty can also help to lower stress levels.

If the weather or mobility keeps you inside, consider adding indoor plants to your home or getting a subscription to a gardening magazine to view nature’s beauty from wherever you’re most comfortable. You can also check out YouTube, where you’ll find endless videos of forest walks, beaches, and far-away travel to enjoy. Don’t forget about good old PBS to the rescue—perhaps the calming sound of Sir David Attenborough’s voice alone can help you unwind.

Edgewood Healthcare encourages socialization and staying active. To make this easy, we offer a jam-packed social calendar to keep everyone engaged in activities that spark joy. If you’re interested in senior living options or want to become an Edgewood volunteer to help others enjoy activities, give us a shout at info@edgewoodhealthcare.com.

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