Some Things Get Easier with Age…Except for Big Decisions!

August 14, 2023

The summer is beginning to wind down. Before you know it, January will return. The seasons change quickly. For some, this brings on dreaded loneliness and even seasonal depressive symptoms. Danger may also be present for those forced to bear another chilling fall and an impending winter alone.

Optimal weather and road conditions can simplify life when we need a hand or wish to lend one to someone in need. For those facing mobility challenges or age-related decline, the icy chill of winter can feel dreadful. Isolation and anxiety can set in hard.

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In a perfect world, our helpers would be thrilled to continue being there so we can thrive at home, but winter’s challenges are tough for the helpers, too. Are you feeling anxious about winter? Do you think that you have everything you need to be safe? If you don’t feel safe, are you considering a move to senior living?

That is a HARD question to ponder. It’s such a gigantic decision that some put it off until assisted living is no longer practical. Injuries or illnesses may lead to a move from a forever home into a skilled nursing setting.

When decisions are too big and seem overwhelming, it’s easy to procrastinate. Fear of the unknown, compounded with myths swirling through one’s mind about senior living, can prevent timely decision-making. So, how does one make such a tough choice? Start small.

Weigh the Outcomes

Maybe you’ve seen the following quote online, but it highlights that accepting a decision will still be hard regardless of the choice. But what is the easier “hard” to live with?

“Choose Your Hard:
Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard. Choose your hard.
Obesity is hard. Being fit is hard. Choose your hard.
Being in debt is hard. Being financially disciplined is hard. Choose your hard.
Communication is hard. Not communicating is hard. Choose your hard.
Life will never be easy. It will always be hard. But we can choose our hard.
Pick wisely.” — Unknown.

We could add scenario after scenario to this little riff, but even so, we know that deciding whether to move to senior living or stay home is an astronomical decision! For many, this will be the last move. How could that be easy?

There’s no uncomplicated way to admit that you need help. There’s no simple way to tell loved ones that the house where they grew up is too much to manage, and there’s just no easy way to decide it’s time to move to senior living. But, considering the “Choose Your Hard” thought, which decision is more complicated in the long run? Which decision can improve your quality of life? Which decision will ease the anxiety about being alone? Which decision will offer social opportunities and nutritious food without having to leave home? Which decision will make you happy?

Consider Quality of Life

The “Choose Your Hard” option for moving to senior living seems immensely tricky, which is in part, why people wait so long. Fear is a great motivator for making a decision or continuing not to. When considering the hard decision to move into senior living, be sure you play out all of your cards before you land firmly on a choice.

What’s right for you? Where will you be happiest and safest? Which setting will allow you to get by each day, and which will help you enjoy your golden years? Which option will allow easy access to medical care and other amenities to offer comfort as you age?

Everyone’s answers to these questions will be different. Give yourself grace as you make this decision, and if you’re supporting a loved one in the thick of things, please show them some grace, too.

Senior living isn’t for everyone, but if you feel it might be for you, we’d love to help. Reach out to us at Putting your toe in the water to see what’s around before you’ve decided is entirely okay. We welcome tours and questions to help you decide what’s in your heart.

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