Laughter is Truly the Best Medicine!

April 1, 2024

Let’s celebrate National Humor Month with a darn good laugh! Check out this video of a baby giggling by clicking here.

There’s nothing like a good belly-busting laugh to take us away from all of life’s seriousness now and again. Some may say they don’t have time to laugh, and to those folks, try to make the time!

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Did you know that laughing increases your heart rate? When your heart rate increases, you burn calories—you’re welcome for that one! Don’t go reaching for the ice cream just yet; it might take a lot of laughs to burn a noticeable number of calories, but hey, it’s something!

What Can Laughter Do for You?

Connecting with others is just as good as laughter. Things are usually twice as funny when you enjoy them with someone you love.

Did you hear about the lady who couldn’t stop shopping for shoes?

It was her sole purpose in life.

Ways to Find a Good Laugh:

What is Laughter Yoga?

While yoga with goats might come to mind, laughter yoga is slightly different. It’s a series of breathing and movement exercises meant to stimulate laughter. Like other yoga classes, laughter yoga is often done in a group setting. If you don’t have laughter yoga offered near you, search for a video on YouTube to try it at home.

Activities to Create Laughter:

I told my physical therapist I broke my arm in two places.

She told me to stop going to those places.

Funny Movies to Watch:

Funny Authors To Read:

Sometimes, daily troubles can make finding humor hard. Life happens, but even those challenges can be comical if you look hard enough!

At Edgewood, we’re all about doing as many fun and exciting activities as we can to incite laughter. There’s never a dull moment, from charades to movies to arts and crafts. Look no further if you want an exceptional senior living experience with a healthy side of laughter.

You can see for yourself by taking a tour or attending one of our open-house events. If you want to learn more, please email us at

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