How to Stay YOU After Retirement

October 6, 2023

Are you the funniest one at the office? Maybe you’re the best listener. Do you bring the best dessert to your work potluck? Everyone’s got their niche at work. From mastering spreadsheets and to-do lists to showing kindness in the utmost of tricky situations, we all have unique and valuable skills.

When retirement comes, and you are no longer expected to put in a 40+ hour work week, it might feel like a closed door after a bit. No longer are you expected to be someplace every day at a specific time. You can stay up late and quit feeling the “Sunday Scaries.”  You can ditch the alarm clock or wake up with the birds. You get to do you! While retirement has many blessings, it can also feel like the end.

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What’s the best solution?


KEEP LEARNING! Find something to keep you engaged. Your gifts should continue to be shared long into retirement in some way, shape, or form.

Consider babysitting for your grandkids or being the after-school nanny to the neighbor kids while their parents are at work. Think about learning to make pottery or teaching a community education class to share your career insight with others who could benefit. Regardless of what you choose, it’s just important that you do something. Keeping your mind sharp is crucial during retirement to stay happy.This is a general list of what can be rewarding and keep you learning simultaneously. Whatever fills your cup, do that, and keep on doing it. Here are a few additional thoughts:

Keep Movin’

We can’t stress enough that you lose it if you don’t use it. Too much TV watching can be a slippery slope. First off, the news is generally a bummer to watch, and secondly, what about all those tantalizing advertisements to get you to eat sugary and salty junk? If you’re bored and stuck on the couch, those sometimes foods can quickly creep up to everyday ones.

Binge-watching your favorite TV shows can definitely fill your cup, too, but don’t get stuck being sedentary too often. If you like to watch TV, consider a workout while you do. Hop on your home exercise machine or grab hand weights during the show. Even stretching or walking in place can be helpful.

Welcome Visitors

Host friends at your home for afternoon tea or a regular event at your home. Consider a weekly lunch date with friends at local restaurants if you prefer to go out. Social interactions, especially with new people, are enough to help you learn new things and stay active.

Simply hosting afternoon tea each week can offer a lot of social and physical activity. You’re more likely to stay on the move, ensuring everything is tidy and everyone has snacks or full coffee cups.

Volunteer/Work Part-Time

Volunteering anywhere, especially at a local senior living center, can also be extremely rewarding in retirement. It can help you socialize, fill your cup, keep you active, and, best of all, you’re helping others!

At Edgewood, we have a number of volunteers helping us with activities, reading to residents, or serving snacks. Our staff members and volunteers are phenomenal, and we couldn’t be more grateful for the kindness and care they show our residents!

If you’d like to volunteer with us or you’re seeking a part-time position, please reach out at to learn more. You’d be helping others and yourself too, and we would love to have you!

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