Getting Ready for Flu Season

October 9, 2018

While there’s no official start and end to flu season, it’s good to get ready once the leaves start turning. For seniors, prevention and education are critical during flu season, especially after the 2017-2018 period when the condition took an outsized and fatal toll on Americans of all ages.

Seniors, however, are usually more at risk of developing more severe complications from the flu and are more susceptible to harmful consequences. Retirement communities often take preparatory steps before flu season, but there are things seniors at home or on their own can do to protect themselves further.

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Flu season may take some time to gear up, but that’s all the more reason for seniors to get ahead of the issue. Here are some ways for seniors to more effectively prepare for flu season:

Know What the Flu Looks Like

The first step is understanding the flu. Before seniors can act proactively, they must become familiar with the threats they face. While sometimes confused with the common cold, the flu is much more dangerous and can be characterized by more severe symptoms. Headaches, coughs, and a runny nose are associated with both a cold and the flu, but if symptoms like body aches, chills, and fatigue materialize and persist, the flu may be more of a concern.

“Prevention and education are critical during flu season.”

If issues like vomiting, diarrhea, and trouble breathing arise, it’s an even more critical sign that the flu is suspect. This information is hugely important for seniors, who can use it to stay aware and guarded against symptoms.

Get a Vaccination

The good news is that avoiding the flu can be effectively done with a vaccination. Most seniors are familiar with the service and the process, but it’s worth repeating that this is a resource seniors must take advantage of. Some retirement communities offer them during annual drives, while local pharmacies, clinics, and health care providers offer them. Seniors can use their zip code to check for CDC-listed sites here.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone receive a seasonal flu vaccine each year by the end of October. Yet it’s not as simple as one shot, and you’re done—unfortunately for those who dislike needles. The CDC contends that given the nature of the flu, subsequent vaccinations through January could provide the most robust line of defense.

It’s worth noting that there are also two flu vaccinations specifically designed for people 65 and older: one with a higher dosage and another that provides a stronger immune response.

Take Basic Preventative Steps

Leading a flu-cautious life during the season doesn’t end with getting a vaccination. It also entails taking a number of simple precautions throughout everyday life, some of which include:

If you want more advice about how seniors can get ahead of flu season in retirement, contact Edgewood today.

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