The Perks of Having a Workout Buddy

October 10, 2014

The benefits of exercise and physical activity are seemingly endless. Not only does working out strengthen your muscles, but it also improves your endurance, helps your heart, lowers your risk of conditions such as cholesterol and cancer, boosts your mood, provides you with more energy, helps you maintain a healthy weight, and so on.

For seniors specifically, engaging in a regular fitness routine—whether traditional exercise or other physical activities—reduces the risk of falls, which becomes a greater concern with age. It may also help maintain a higher level of cognitive function and ease aches and pains.


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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that adults engage in moderately intense aerobic activity for at least 2.5 hours a week and strength training for at least two days a week.

Whether you’ve contemplated increasing your physical activity in your independent senior living community or decided to commit to fitness, encouraging a friend or loved one to join you is an excellent way to stay motivated. You can support each other as you strive toward better health and wellness.

Benefits of a Workout Buddy:

When you recruit someone to exercise with you, you are held accountable for following through with a workout plan. Whether you sign up for a dance class, vow to take daily walks after lunch, or want to try yoga, you and your workout partner will rely on each other to show up. This is great motivation on the days when you’re feeling tired or your energy levels are running low.

One reason you may have yet to exercise much in the past is that you find it boring. With a workout partner, fitness can become more fun. You can spend the time chatting and catching up during a stroll around a park or encourage each other to challenge yourselves as you work your way through a strengthening session. In any case, physical activity may become something you look forward to because it’s another chance to socialize and spend time with someone you care about.

One of the most important things to remember while working out is to use the proper form for each exercise. This ensures that you’re targeting the right muscles and reduces your risk of injury. You and your workout buddy can watch each other perform different exercises to ensure the form is right and offer advice and adjustments for improvement.

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