Edgewood Services

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February 14, 2024

Senior Living Has Made Positive Shifts

Over 30 years ago, Edgewood Healthcare was founded after CEO and owner Phil Gisi recognized a need for more choices for aging seniors. Most cities could offer skilled nursing or independent senior housing at that time. Unfortunately, these two service models didn’t fit everyone’s needs. The demand for choices laid the groundwork for more than […]

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January 31, 2024

The Keys to Every Heart Are… Health & Happiness!

 Ahh, February. It’s almost time for pink and red decorations, gifts from sweethearts, and sugary snacks—everywhere. Don’t forget, it’s American Heart Month, too! Did you know that more deadly heart attacks happen during the winter and holiday season? How about the fact from the CDC that 1 in 5 people having a heart attack don’t […]

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January 24, 2024

Is Change Keeping You Awake at Night?

The new year is still fresh, and for many folks, it’s time to make changes for improvement. Sometimes, the changes you want to make can keep you awake, wondering how to make them happen and where to begin. It’s so easy to say what we want to change, but putting the steps in place to […]

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January 15, 2024

Is it Time for Carefree Living?

Homeownership is one of life’s exciting milestones. When you first move into your home, the endless possibilities of paint schemes and décor are thrilling. The excitement of building lasting memories and family gatherings can taste sweet on your tongue for years. Home is where the heart is, but the heart can change over time. When […]

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January 4, 2024

3 Steps to a Joyful January

January is a fresh start. New beginnings can feel excellent but a little overwhelming, too. The holidays have gone, the year ahead looks busy, and perhaps you need some extra coffee to help you get up and go. If you’re looking for ways to make the first month of a hectic new year a little […]

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December 21, 2023

Keep the Blues Out this Winter!

Winter is here. While the beautiful snowflakes can be a welcome distraction, the lack of sunlight can take a real toll on some folks. As we slowly gain more daylight, it’s important to remember that the darkness may cause more than just a case of the blues for some. Some may experience seasonal depression this […]

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December 6, 2023

Enjoying the Ride from the Passenger Side

No one wants to imagine giving up the keys, and we all wait so anxiously for the privilege that the thought of losing it is scary. What’s even more frightening, though, is driving when it’s unsafe. The CDC tells us that 7,500 older adults were killed in automobile accidents in 2020. We often hear a […]

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November 28, 2023

The Sky is the Limit

What began in food and beverage service at Sky’s Fine Dining in Grand Forks (now known as Skies 322) has taken Morgan (Hodgson) Brama to some unexpected and rewarding places! Her story is one of diligence, hard work, and the product of building sustainable relationships. While higher education is a critical part of success, so […]

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November 16, 2023

Healthcare Where You Need It

November 16 is National Rural Health Day. To honor this day, we’d like to shed some light on how Edgewood has been helping residents in cities large and small to receive healthcare services right where they’re needed most: on-site! Edgewood’s Medical Partnerships At Edgewood, we want our residents to feel like they’re thriving in the […]

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November 6, 2023

When Life Turns Upside Down

Having a bucket list and crossing things off it is a great privilege denied to many people. All too often, there are stories like this: “We were going to travel the country. We saved and planned, bought the RV, and my wife got cancer.” Because you never know what the future holds, it’s important to […]

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