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April 27, 2016

Important Senior Health Appointments to Consider Scheduling

For seniors, staying on top of health appointments is critical to ensure good quality of life and proper treatment for existing conditions.

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April 27, 2016

Dental Tips for Seniors

Your dental health can affect more than just your pearly whites, so it’s especially important for seniors to take care of their teeth.

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April 26, 2016

Tips for Dealing with Allergies

Fighting off the sniffles, watery eyes and sneezing can be a serious pain. Here are some tips for dealing with your allergies.

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April 25, 2016

Edgewood Senior Living’s My InnerView Survey

Edgewood staff, residents and family members of memory care residents will have the chance to let their opinions be heard through our annual My InnerView survey.

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April 19, 2016

Sun Safety for Seniors

Skin cancer is the most common cancer among Americans, but seniors in particular can take some precautions to reduce their risk of developing the disease. Here are some tips.

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April 17, 2016

Making a Senior Bucket List

Why not start your own bucket list full of things you want to do, places to go and sights to see? Here are some tips.

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April 13, 2016

Edgewood Senior Living Through the Eyes of President Russ Kubik

Our knowledgeable and helpful staff provide the best experience possible for seniors in our care, and that is all made possible through management team members like President Russell G. Kubik.

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April 5, 2016

Tips to Ease Digestion for Seniors

Staying hydrated, varying your diet and changing your prescriptions all may help ease your digestion.

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March 31, 2016

Yoga Tips for Arthritic Seniors

Yoga offers a great way for people to increase their range of motion without requiring much equipment, time or intense exercise. Here are some tips for arthritic seniors who want to try yoga.

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March 28, 2016

4 Vacations to Enjoy as a Senior

Seniors are typically retired, and that can leave them with a lot of extra time. How can they use those unplanned hours? Take a trip!

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