Assisted Living

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September 8, 2023

“I’m Never Moving to a Nursing Home!”

Because it’s National Assisted Living Week, what better time than now to address the phrase we’ve all heard or maybe even said: “I’m never moving to the nursing home.” Maybe you’ve promised never to “put” your loved one “away” during their sunset years. Most of our thoughts on “moving to the home” are from back […]

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August 28, 2023

Keep Your Friends Close & Your Healthcare Closer!

  Living to a ripe age is a privilege often denied to many, but longevity coupled with poor health or chronic pain doesn’t feel so rewarding. It’s hard to enjoy retirement and all the opportunities for activities and hobbies without feeling good. To combat this issue, more senior living communities offer on-site medical services. The […]

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August 14, 2023

Some Things Get Easier with Age…Except for Big Decisions!

The summer is beginning to wind down. Before you know it, January will return. The seasons change quickly. For some, this brings on dreaded loneliness and even seasonal depressive symptoms. Danger may also be present for those forced to bear another chilling fall and an impending winter alone. Optimal weather and road conditions can simplify […]

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May 8, 2023

Senior Living vs. Skilled Nursing: What’s What?

When it’s time to review senior living opportunities, the options can be confusing. This uncertainty can often paint an inaccurate picture of senior living. While we always recommend a tour to see these for yourself, let’s review what each service can offer so you can decide where to begin: Independent Living Communities Independent living settings […]

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April 17, 2023

9 Common Myths About Assisted Living

What we don’t know seems scary. What we think we know can be even scarier! We’re going to squash 9 common myths so the next time you think of assisted living, you won’t be thinking, “Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!” 1. You Can’t Eat What You Want Assisted living is designed to be […]

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March 13, 2023

Gift It or Thrift It?

Downsizing Tips for Your Move to Assisted Living March 13-19 is “Clean out Your Closet Week”! Clean closets are excellent, but we’d like to dive into downsizing. If you’re like so many others, parting with things you’ve had for 30 years can be stressful! What stays and what should go when you move to assisted […]

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March 8, 2023

Don’t Let Age Define Your Creativity

Hobbies like arts and crafts can be a wonderful escape. Whether we’re admiring someone else’s handiwork or creating our own, everyone benefits. Although our hobbies may change based on our abilities, arts and crafts should be enjoyable for a lifetime. Art projects help us to stay happy and can keep us sharp as we age, […]

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January 6, 2023

Helping a Loved One Transition to Assisted Living

After a long talk over the holidays, you’ve been helping your mom shop for an assisted living community. She has lived in the home where you grew up for 45 years. Your dad passed away a few years ago, and she’s beginning to struggle, which is why you’re in the market. Having been a teacher […]

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December 16, 2022

Are You Ready for Assisted Living?

That question raises another: Who’s ever 100% ready to make a major life change? Think back to all of the beginning stages of your life’s work. There was probably both excitement and uncertainty, all in one, when you started something new. This is absolutely no different from the assisted living chapters of our stories. One of […]

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May 16, 2022

“I Wish I Would Have Moved Sooner!”

Home is where the heart is, and it’s also where you make it! Many of our Edgewood residents settle into our communities and tell us, “I wish I would have moved sooner.” Once they move, they realize how difficult it was to enjoy themselves while trying to manage their big family homes. They start socializing […]

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