Assisted Living

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February 16, 2016

Helping a Senior Loved One Prepare for Surgery

When seniors undergo surgical procedures, they often require assistance before and after the operation.

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February 16, 2016

Tips to Help Senior Loved Ones Enjoy Spring

If you are a senior caregiver, help your loved one enjoy spring with these tips.

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February 16, 2016

Tips for Easing into Retirement

If you are retiring soon or know someone who is, try these tips to ease into newfound freedom.

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February 8, 2016

Enjoying Valentine’s Day with Someone who Has Alzheimer’s

For many people, Valentine’s Day is a happy occasion to reflect on love and family. When you have a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease, this can be tricky.

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January 20, 2016

Helping Senior Loved Ones Manage Their Weight

If you are caring for a senior loved one, you can help him or her make some steps to get healthier and maintain a better weight. Here are some tips.

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January 20, 2016

Cooking Safely with Alzheimer’s Disease

What happens when you have Alzheimer’s disease and your memory isn’t great anymore? This can make kitchen tasks difficult and even dangerous.

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January 20, 2016

Helping a Loved One Designate a Power of Attorney

When a person is no longer able to make decisions for him or herself, it’s important that there is someone there to do so for the individual. This position is called power of attorney.

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January 20, 2016

The Connection Between Alzheimer’s & Diabetes

Scientists are gaining an understanding of the complex relationship between diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

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January 8, 2016

Helping Seniors Sort Through Their Belongings

Try these tips when helping an older loved one go through his or her belongings to move to an assisted living community or just downsize.

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December 23, 2015

5 Tips for Better Respiratory Hhealth

Respiratory issues are among the top health concerns for seniors. Use these tips to protect your lungs.

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