Adult Day Services

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April 24, 2017

4 Tips for Seniors to Manage Allergies

Allergies are troublesome, especially for seniors. 

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March 8, 2017

Should Your Loved One Try Adult Day Services?

While family members can facilitate fun senior activities when they’re around, who is left to do so when regular caregivers have to work or tend to their children? The solution: Adult day services.

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February 28, 2017

Encouraging Communication Between the Generations

There are many ways to make it easier for kids and grandparents to bond. Here are a few.

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February 28, 2017

The Health Benefits of Getting Outside

Countless studies have shown that being outdoors can make people happier and less stressed. But are these positive effects similar in seniors? Indeed they are!

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February 6, 2017

4 Adjustments For Better Sleep

You’ve heard not to nap for too long or to avoid eating a full meal shortly before bedtime. Here are some lesser-known tips that you can try if you’re having trouble sleeping.

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August 15, 2016

Care Options for Senior Couples

When people think of seniors moving into assisted living communities, they often picture one person. As the average lifespan increases, many couples make this transition together.

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July 29, 2016

Fun Facts about Minnesota for Seniors

This state has gorgeous landscapes, four seasons and great activities for seniors. Here are some fun facts about Minnesota that may just convince you to live in the state.

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July 29, 2016

Fun Facts About Idaho for Seniors

If you’re considering making a move to a senior living community in the state, here are some facts to get you started.

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June 24, 2016

Symptoms of Forgetfulness Versus Dementia

There is a difference between forgetfulness and dementia, so keep this in mind if you’re worried you may need to transition a loved one to memory care.

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May 26, 2016

What to Do in a Moment of Senior Memory Loss

When you’re with an older person, it can be tough to know what to do when he or she has a moment of forgetfulness. Here are some tips to help you react.

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