Adult Day Services

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April 11, 2024

With Memory Care, You CAN!

Most of us spend decades chasing the fountain of youth, and no one dreams of the day they can finally move into assisted living. If it comes to memory care, that’s even further from our minds until the time comes when it’s truly necessary. When most people think of memory care or memory loss, the […]

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February 14, 2024

Senior Living Has Made Positive Shifts

Over 30 years ago, Edgewood Healthcare was founded after CEO and owner Phil Gisi recognized a need for more choices for aging seniors. Most cities could offer skilled nursing or independent senior housing at that time. Unfortunately, these two service models didn’t fit everyone’s needs. The demand for choices laid the groundwork for more than […]

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September 18, 2023

Honoring World Alzheimer’s Month

This past spring/summer, we featured a 5-part blog series to honor the Longest Day. The Longest Day takes place on the summer solstice. It’s an initiative by the Alzheimer’s Association to raise awareness and funds in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Our blog series discussed the grief stages as they apply to Alzheimer’s disease. Grief […]

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February 27, 2023

Therapeutic Fibbing – is it lying?

We’re all taught from a young age not to lie. You can probably remember breaking this rule as a child and how badly you felt about it. When supporting someone with memory loss, however, not reorienting them that they’ve lost their loved ones, pets, car, home, etc. can preserve their peace. With a diagnosis like […]

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October 10, 2022

Finding Strength Beneath The Weight Of Alzheimer’s

When we’re faced with hardships like health problems in life, all most of us want to hear is “Everything is fine.” We want to know that even on our worst days, it’s going to be ok. More than 6 million Americans are currently facing Alzheimer’s. The CDC tells us that at least 16 million caregivers […]

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December 17, 2021

6 Reasons To Say “Yes” To Adult Day Services

Being a caregiver to a senior loved one while maintaining a career and relationships can be both physically and emotionally challenging. Perhaps you need to work, you’d like to attend your grandchild’s school play or you need to keep a medical appointment. But who can look after your senior loved ones and keep them safe […]

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July 24, 2019

18 Signs of Caregiver Stress and Burnout

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April 4, 2019

Health Tips for the Caregivers

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June 1, 2018

Memory Legacy Program Revitalizes Dementia Training for Edgewood Staff

Edgewood’s new Legacy Memory Care program standardizes and upgrades staff training across all our communities.

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June 15, 2017

How to Help a Senior with Anxiety

Family members can help loved ones struggling with anxiety.

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