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April 27, 2016

Dental Tips for Seniors

Your dental health can affect more than just your pearly whites, so it’s especially important for seniors to take care of their teeth.

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April 17, 2016

Making a Senior Bucket List

Why not start your own bucket list full of things you want to do, places to go and sights to see? Here are some tips.

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April 13, 2016

Edgewood Senior Living Through the Eyes of President Russ Kubik

Our knowledgeable and helpful staff provide the best experience possible for seniors in our care, and that is all made possible through management team members like President Russell G. Kubik.

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March 28, 2016

4 Vacations to Enjoy as a Senior

Seniors are typically retired, and that can leave them with a lot of extra time. How can they use those unplanned hours? Take a trip!

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March 25, 2016

Take Advantage of Senior Discounts

One of the benefits of being a senior is having access to a plethora of discounts.

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February 16, 2016

Tips for Easing into Retirement

If you are retiring soon or know someone who is, try these tips to ease into newfound freedom.

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January 8, 2016

Helping Seniors Sort Through Their Belongings

Try these tips when helping an older loved one go through his or her belongings to move to an assisted living community or just downsize.

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July 30, 2015

Seniors Find Retirement Communities Surprising

There’s no time better than right now to start living the life you’ve always wanted.

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July 8, 2015

Why Seniors Should Volunteer

Discover all the positive reasons seniors should make volunteering a regular part of their retirement.

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April 24, 2015

Keep Your Hearing in Good Health to Stay Sharp

A significant portion of those with hearing loss in the U.S. have never received treatment for the condition, which can lead to social isolation, depression and be a detriment to cognitive function.

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