
February 28, 2023

Frontotemporal Dementia: What is it?

  Bruce Willis’ recent diagnosis of frontotemporal dementia has hit the airwaves. This is incredibly sad news for him and his family. While dementia is very complex and heartbreaking, we’re grateful that his family is raising awareness! More conversations outside of the Hollywood scene about dementia could lead to an increased number of people being […]

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February 27, 2023

Therapeutic Fibbing – is it lying?

We’re all taught from a young age not to lie. You can probably remember breaking this rule as a child and how badly you felt about it. When supporting someone with memory loss, however, not reorienting them that they’ve lost their loved ones, pets, car, home, etc. can preserve their peace. With a diagnosis like […]

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February 17, 2023

Taking Advance Directives One Step Further

  We recently published a blog about the importance of completing a healthcare directive. Staying on this topic of communicating your needs, what if you or your loved one were unable to communicate effectively due to a diagnosis of dementia? Is there pertinent information aside from healthcare that you would want caregivers to know? As […]

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February 6, 2023

What We’ve Learned Working in Senior Living

After working in senior living, you get to know a few things about a few things. First, it’s one of the most rewarding jobs ever! Hearing everyone’s stories and helping others could fill anyone’s cup. We’ve also learned what’s important for our loved ones regarding long-term care. Here are some thoughts based on our experiences. Choose […]

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January 30, 2023

Who Can Decide When You Can’t?

Instead of the usual “new year, new me,” we’re diving deeper into something we hope will last longer than a typical New Year’s resolution. While no one wants to think about being unable to make decisions, that’s exactly why this is important—the uncomfortable stuff usually is! A healthcare directive allows you to put into writing […]

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January 16, 2023

Finding Light in the Darkness of Winter

It’s the dead of winter. The holiday celebrations are over, it’s cold, and everything is frozen— including you. You just shoveled, and you slipped and fell to celebrate finishing the task. Seeing another foot of the fluffy white stuff in the forecast feels like the last straw! Pretty soon, a lot feels wrong in the […]

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January 6, 2023

Helping a Loved One Transition to Assisted Living

After a long talk over the holidays, you’ve been helping your mom shop for an assisted living community. She has lived in the home where you grew up for 45 years. Your dad passed away a few years ago, and she’s beginning to struggle, which is why you’re in the market. Having been a teacher […]

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December 28, 2022

What is Our Elephant in the Room Series?

To cap off an amazing year, we’re taking this opportunity to go down Memory Lane. Throughout 2022, we created a blog each month to discuss some of the harder topics that can accompany aging. Our Elephant in the Room Series addressed complex issues and offered recommendations on the best ways to navigate various issues, from […]

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December 16, 2022

Are You Ready for Assisted Living?

That question raises another: Who’s ever 100% ready to make a major life change? Think back to all of the beginning stages of your life’s work. There was probably both excitement and uncertainty, all in one, when you started something new. This is absolutely no different from the assisted living chapters of our stories. One of […]

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December 5, 2022

Safe Senior Driving in 1-2-3!

One moment we’re 16, cruising along with the wind in our hair, when what seems like out of nowhere, the gray hair and senior discounts arrive! While most of us practiced and studied carefully to get our licenses, perhaps over time, our driving habits changed. To stay in the driver’s seat as long as we […]

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