
January 18, 2017

A Continuum of Care in Senior Living Communities

As you look at potential communities, you should learn about each one’s continuum of care, or how they help seniors transition from needing little help to requiring one-on-one assistance.

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January 4, 2017

How Cold Weather Impacts Seniors

Winter comes with sparkling snow, the holidays and some increased health issues – especially for seniors.

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January 4, 2017

7 Reasons Being a Grandparent is Awesome

Of the many relationships within a family, being a grandparent is pretty awesome. Here’s seven reasons why you’ll love it.

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January 3, 2017

Energy Boosting Tips for Seniors

Slowing down is a natural part of aging, but you can still find ways to gain more energy and stay healthy.

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December 23, 2016

Relaxation Tips for the Holidays

Try these relaxation tips yourself or encourage your stressed out loved ones to give them a go.

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November 18, 2016

Senior Volunteer Opportunities for the Holidays

One amazing way to improve your life while helping others is to volunteer – especially around the holidays.

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November 17, 2016

How to Discuss Mental Health with Senior Loved Ones

For many people, talking about mental health is a touchy subject. Use these tips to speak with your senior loved one about depression and anxiety.

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November 15, 2016

Should Seniors Cut Back on Caffeine?

Caffeine boosts energy, but can also cause issues – particularly among the senior populations. Read on if you’re wondering how the stimulant affects your senior loved ones.

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November 4, 2016

Diabetes-Friendly Thanksgiving Desserts for Seniors

If your senior loved one has diabetes, you may be wondering how he or she can enjoy Thanksgiving. There are plenty of healthy options to consider – here are a few.

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November 4, 2016

What is Life Enrichment in Senior Living?

Read on to learn why Edgewood Senior Living offers a diverse range of activities and why life enrichment is so important to residents.

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