9 Common Myths About Assisted Living

April 17, 2023

What we don’t know seems scary. What we think we know can be even scarier! We’re going to squash 9 common myths so the next time you think of assisted living, you won’t be thinking, “Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!”

1. You Can’t Eat What You Want

Assisted living is designed to be a non-restrictive living environment, and that starts in the kitchen. Imagine being told that you can’t have something you want to eat. How would that make you feel? We’ve got great news about this myth; you won’t hear us say, “You can’t eat that.” We offer healthy food and snack choices, but deciding what to eat is your call.

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2. You Can’t Come and Go

Residents in assisted living can leave for family vacations, shopping trips, medical appointments, or any other reason they want, as long as they’re safe. When you move into assisted living, you’re not stuck in one place unless you want to be—Edgewood brings a lot of activities and amenities right to you!

3. You’ll Lose Your Independence and Privacy

In assisted living, your space is yours. As long as your décor doesn’t pose a safety risk, you can decorate any way you’d like. Regardless of the apartment style, each resident has privacy. We don’t enter your home without knocking—unless we suspect an emergency. We get to know your preferences, respect your individuality, and encourage you to maintain your independence.

4. There Are White Walls and Unpleasant Odors

We offer a very cozy and comfortable environment. You won’t see bare white walls or boring décor or be met with unpleasant odors. Our teams decorate each building and provide cleaning services to make the spaces feel good for all—we aim for homey instead of sterile.

5. Assisted Living Is Appropriate for Everyone

While we love to help as many folks as possible, assisted living isn’t for everyone. When we meet each potential new resident, our clinical staff evaluates their abilities, health, and preferences. We learn what someone can do on their own and what activities of daily living they might need help completing. Sometimes, assisted living is explored too late after health problems have piled up. While we offer many on-site health services, sometimes skilled nursing facilities can be a safer residential option for those with significant medical conditions or those requiring mechanical lifts.

6. Falls Don’t Happen in Assisted Living

Safety is paramount in assisted living, but unfortunately, we can’t stop every fall. What we can do is offer peace of mind. We have staff on-site 24 hours daily to help, and most assisted living communities feature an emergency pendant system to offer urgent support. Our staff can often respond quicker than an in-home pendant that calls 911 because they can be there within minutes of a fall to help evaluate the next steps. If a resident cannot push an emergency pendant, there is always the added benefit of scheduled care and activities throughout the day that serve as additional check-in opportunities.

Through individualized care planning, we can assess residents more frequently and find the root causes of falls. Once we know which tasks increase someone’s risk of falling, we can complete those to help reduce their odds of another fall. Each resident can have their medications and health history evaluated and monitored by clinical care providers on-site at Edgewood. They may also complete outpatient physical and occupational therapies on-site to regain strength and abilities and further reduce their risk of falling in the future.

7. Your Family Can’t Visit You

There’s nothing more important than family! Not only do we welcome your family in for meals, events, and visits, but we also get to know you and your family. When you become an Edgewood resident, you become family, and so do we!

8. Assisted Living Is Boring and Lonely

Assisted living is anything but boring or lonely! While everyone might have a day of the blahs where they feel lonely or bored, assisted living is designed to combat those feelings. We offer diverse activities by learning what you want to do. From our maintenance staff to those in reception, there’s always someone to talk to—you’re never alone if you don’t want to be!

9. The Social Media Reviews About Assisted Living Are Always True

In the digital age, venting your feelings is easier than ever. Unfortunately, feelings can speak a whole lot louder than facts. Consider online remarks with a grain of salt, and do your homework by taking a tour of the senior living communities that spark your interest. Just like when you read Yelp reviews to pick a hotel or restaurant, one or two bad reviews amongst a sea of 5-star ratings probably mean you don’t have to be too concerned. Remember to look for patterns online and articles from publications you recognize. Talk to people you already know and trust for the real scoop!

Consider taking a tour of an Edgewood Healthcare assisted living community. Schedule your visit during mealtime, for an activity, or both. If you’re still unconvinced, many of our communities offer a short-term stay option.

Short-term stays can help you see what assisted living is all about. Some residents stay with us while their caregivers are away, some stay while their families are snow-birding, or some stay with us to recover after surgery or illness. Stay a week, a month, or a season. Reach out to us at info@edgewoodhealthcare.com to learn more today.

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