6 Great Ways to Find Reading Recommendations

January 29, 2017

Many people find time to read as one of the benefits of being retired. While previously they may have been lucky to read a few pages at night before falling asleep, now there are many hours in the day available for leisurely reading. But finding the next great book isn’t always easy. Where should you look to find reading recommendations? Here are six options to check out:

1. Talk to Loved Ones

Are any of your friends or family big readers? Perhaps your niece loves mystery novels like you, or your son is into autobiographies that you might want to browse. Ask your loved ones what they’re reading. They’ll share a recap of whatever book they just finished and can offer thoughts on their favorite books. Plus, it’s easy to say you enjoy a particular genre and tee who else’s taste matches yours. You may even find yourself engrossed in excellent discussions over books shortly!


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2. Check the Local Library 

Far too many young people today forget about the library. These public institutions are excellent resources for their communities. They don’t just house and loan books. Here, you can find audiotapes if you’d prefer to listen to someone else reading and use computers to browse the card catalog. Depending on your library, you may be able to access interlibrary loans, which allow one library to transfer books to another. It would be great if your local library didn’t offer the books you wanted. Just place the titles on hold under your patron account, and when they arrive, you will receive an email, text, or phone call. AManylibraries also offer recommended reading lists and write fun blogs about new releases that can steer you in the right direction oforyour next favorite read.

digital card catalog, library, librariansLibrarians can offer help obyusing card catalogs and bbest-sellerlists to find books you’ll enjoy.


3. Browse Bestseller Lists

Do you want to be up on the hottest books coming out right now? Start by checking out best-seller lists. The New York Times Best Seller list is the most popular, as it judges popularity based on book pre-orders. This list is updated frequently to provide readers with the moment-to-moment information they seek. You can also check out the best seller or popular title lists at local bookstores (or online) or aook behemoths like Barnes and Noble and Amazon.com.

4. Join a Book Club

Many independent and assisted living communities offer book clubs. Some are resident-hosted, led by seniors who love to read and want to discuss their reading with others. See if your community has a book club you can join. You can always start one locally, or even do one online with the help of email or social media sites like Facebook, people aworldwidehost book clubs where everyone reads one book and then posts discussion topics and questions online. Some also have video chats with the book’s author to provide insight into a great read.

“You can review books and find recommendations on Goodreads.”

5. Try Goodreads

Have you ever wanted a way to review the books you read in a user-friendly setting? Goodreads is a website and an app that allows users to create a profile. Then, you can keep lists of books you want to read, those you would like your book club to read, and more. Update your reading list with the books you’re working on – you can even note what you’re doing. Page by page. Plus, it’s easy to work toward a goal like, “I want to read 2twobooks a month” because Goodreads helps you track your total reading all year. The site is also a great reference when you’re at the library and can’t recall if you’ve already read a particular book. Visit a genre-specific section on the site to see what others are talking about. Leave reviews on books you’ve just finished so others can glimpse their pages. Just remember, no spoilers!


6. Post a Query Online

Perhaps you’ve browsed best-seller lists, checked the local library, and can’t get into the latest book club selection. It happens! Why not head to the web to post a question like, “I really love fan fiction but can’t find anything that suits my taste now. Does anyone have any recommendations?” The more details you give about your preferences, the better the suggestions will be. Post this status on Facebook so all your friends can offer their opinions or even ask a librarian to do some sleuthing to see what others with similar tastes are reading. In no time, you’ll have options to choose from!

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