25 Back-Pocket Stress Relief Tips

March 18, 2022

Need stress relief today? Of course, who doesn’t? If you’re feeling stressed out, there is unlikely to be time in the moment to think long and hard about how to find relief, so let’s make our own sunshine! Here are 25 ways to unwind:


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  1. Go to a quiet place and just breathe
  2. Step outside and get fresh air
  3. Sing your favorite song
  4. Fill up your water bottle
  5. Eat a piece of fruit or chocolate
  6. Close your eyes and think of all the people in your life you’re grateful for
  7. Listen to relaxing music
  8. Scroll through your social media account and stay connected
  9. Stretch, or do your favorite yoga pose
  10. Put your feet up
  11. Call your favorite pick-me-up person
  12. Donate blood; this helps someone else and gives you a break too
  13. Go for a drive
  14. Garden
  15. Spend time with your pet
  16. Look up at the stars
  17. Take a walk outside in nature
  18. Shop at your favorite stores
  19. Read your favorite book
  20. Get a massage
  21. Shut down your computer, and unplug (after you catch up on your favorite blogs)
  22. Sleep in, or enjoy a nap
  23. Enjoy a hot cup of coffee in your favorite chair
  24. Binge-watch your favorite shows
  25. Do a puzzle

If you’re experiencing stress as a caregiver, first of all, THANK YOU for being a caregiver! Caregiving is both rewarding and challenging work.

Without support, caregiving can have negative outcomes. It’s important to take time to refill our batteries, so we can keep being good caregivers to those we love. If your family, friends, and neighbors are able to step in to help, even short-term, take them up on it. Even an hour of self-care each day can be helpful for caregivers.

Taking care of myself doesn’t mean ‘me first.’ It means ‘me, too.’
― L.R. Knost

If you’re experiencing unmanageable stress or adverse health while caring for a senior loved one, please consider asking for some additional support. If you don’t have help available from family or friends, and you’re in need of a little rest and relaxation, Edgewood Healthcare has much to offer.

We offer temporary care and supervision support at adult day services, or short-term stay options for seniors. These programs are excellent options for seniors who are not ready to make the move to long-term senior living supports such as assisted living or memory care.

Edgewood offers many engaging activities on-site that are tailored to your senior loved one. Let them enjoy their visit and receive care while you re-charge; it’s a win-win!

If you’re interested in learning about how Edgewood can help for an hour, a day, or longer-term, please reach out to us at info@edgewoodhealthcare.com.

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